First, an apology. When answering a question related to the connection of the C-M loop's RS-232 port to an Icom CT-17 converter, although the pin connections were correct, I mislabelled the transmit and receive data lines. A subsequent query was eventually resolved by reversing the TDX and RXD lines, but that caused me to think why that should be. I eventually discovered that the schematic in the Icom CT-17 User Instruction manual was incorrect, they had reversed the TXD and RXD labels. The actual connections to a Ciro-Mazzoni RS-232 port, and verified with an oscilloscope are:
Pin Name Input/Output Idle Voltage
2 Rx Data I
3 Tx Data O -8V
4 DTR O +8V
7 RTS O +8V
Again, my apologies for the previous incorrect data.
Adrian, 5B4AIY
Sorry Jim, the Serial Switch uses the existing RS-485 port that is part of the serial board interface, not the Ethernet port. My apologies.
Adrian, 5B4AIY
Ignoring the spam above Adrian- are these connections common? I need to connect my controller to a microham station master if it is supported