Unfortunately, I have just noticed another problem in this brand new, recently delivered (one week ago) Stealth Loop. It is raining here for the first time since I received the antenna. I am getting a 1.1:1 reading on the ATU at 14.074 and am seeing over 3.0:1 on my radio when I actually transmit and the gain is dramatically diminished as compared to an indoor attic dipole. The result is the radio automatically reels back the RF power to 5 watts (pictures attached). I am using a FLEX 6400. The ATU on the FLEX is shut off. I also have a dipole connected to the radio, which is in my attic, and am having no problems with SWR when transmitting with that antenna. Is this to be expected from the antenna during inclement conditions? The manual specifically states that best results are to be obtained when placing the antenna outdoors which I thought it meant to operate in all weather conditions. I received the antenna last week from RadioWorld and have installed it on my outdoors deck exactly 3 days ago as of this posting. Yesterday when the ATU wasn't cycling through start-up protocols each time I transmitted, as reported in a prior post in this forum, yesterday, it was working normally. The only variable that has changed, today, is that it is raining. I have tried placing it on a table and placing it on the ground with no change in results. $1300 USD spent for this antenna and already having two separate, serious issues. Not very happy.

To further illustrate the point, I have attached pictures of the difference in gain between an attic dipole and the Stealth Loop placed, outdoors, on my deck. It seems that during these conditions, the antenna is almost inert and not functioning. It is about a 10db difference in gain. These comparative pictures were taken seconds apart on the same frequency.

Made sure that coax was not the problem by disconnecting and wiping down both cable and connector. BTW, neither was wet. Also did the same for the power cable. Power cable was not wet when disconnected. Put my analyzer on the antenna and am showing it compared to the current reading on the ATU. Both pictures were taken seconds apart.